Diet Products
- Mega-T Green Tea Weight Loss Mix
- Mega-T Green Tea Water Tablets
- Detox Pill
- Detox Tea
- 48 Hour Hollywood Miracle Diet
- Just water and Hollywood Miracle Diet
- 2 detox pills/day
- 1 water pill/day
- 1 multi-vitamin/day
- Absolutely no alcohol/coffee/caffeine
- 1 detox tea or pill in the morning and again at night
- 1 Grapefruit or Orange
- As much Mega-T Green Tea mixed with water as you like
- 1 green leafy meal of Spinach or Kale plain (raw or steamed)
- 1 black coffee/day
- 1 water pill/day
- 1 multi-vitamin/day
- Water any-time (try with lemon too)
**Again this is for trial purposes only, I do not support any of these products, I am just testing their weight loss, water loss, and detox claims, under a supervised 10 day period**
**Consult your Doctor before starting any diet regime**